Miami Bags LLC was founded by me, Sela-Bay Miles in May of 2022. Sparked by my love of handbags, sustainability, and affordability I launched into the world of handbags. Being a handbag lover myself I understand you want to make a good investment and maybe let go of a bag or two along the way that maybe you just don’t use enough. I always treat my customers how I want to be treated. My dad is a successful business owner and I have always seen him be so kind, generous, and loving with his customers and that’s why after 50 years our family business is still going til this day. I may not be in the family Car business but there’s a lot of similarities there!
What sets us apart? We do resale, consignment, and sourcing. We focus on Hermes and Chanel resell, but also take Van Cleef and Cartier. We like to give our sellers the most for their pieces as possible.
If you’re confused by our names we started out in Miami and moved to a new city so our instagram is @luxebehaviors.